Fire Safety: Keeping your pets safe

Fire safety and awareness is not only important for your home, but also for protecting your pets during a fire or unexpected emergency.
Here are some simple steps to create your evacuation plan:
- Be sure that all SMOKE DETECTORS, have fresh batteries and are in working order.
- Designate one family member to be responsible for EACH PET in case an evacuation is needed.
- Alert Firefighters of the pets in your home! Use stickers on doors and windows indicating the number and kind of pets in your home. These stickers can be purchased at pet stores, humane societies and fire departments.
- CREATE A MAP of hiding places where emergency personnel may find your pets. These are places they run to when they’re scared or nervous. A simple drawing on a piece of notebook paper can make the difference in locating them quickly.
- Keep leashes and carriers accessible. Once evacuated these will keep a panicked pet from running away.
- CREATE an emergency FIRST AID KIT for your pets and family. The kit should contain: extra food; bottled water; veterinary records; prescription medication; and a photo of your pet with its name and your contact information on the back. A small toolbox makes a great emergency kit!
- DESIGNATE a meeting place outside the structure for all family members to meet after evacuating. Leave a door open in case a pet is still missing. You can call to them from outside.
Brush Fire Safety
Outdoor pets also need to be protected. Make sure all kennels, pet houses or cages are at least 20ft away from any brush filled areas. Keep your yard cleared of any dry brush. Keeping good distance between these areas and your pet’s living space can give you extra time to rescue them in case of a brush fire.
Preparation can mean the difference in getting you AND your family’s pets out safely.
Free Pet Safety Pack by ASPCA
The ASPCA offers a free Pet Safety Pack by visiting their website below.