New Year’s Resolutions for Pets & Their People

It is the start of a new year, and people’s thoughts often turn to diet and exercise, making up for holiday indulgences. Pets also suffer from overeating and lack of exercise. But there are more things to consider than diet and exercise when it comes to being a good pet owner and animal lover. Here, in no particular order, are 10 tips to a healthier lifestyle for your pets.
- Exercise: Regular exercise has the obvious health benefits, but it also is a great time to bond with our pets. Keeping pets at the proper body weight reduces the risk of heart and joint problems, diabetes and a host of other health conditions.
- Health check up: A regular visit to your veterinarian is the best way to stay ahead of potential problems. Annual examinations of the heart/lungs, and body condition overall will be less costly than waiting for a problem to develop. It is to the pet’s best advantage to have a good “baseline” of information prior to any onset of illnesses.
- Good Nutrition: Pets who eat poor quality food just don’t have the health reserves than those that a good balanced diet. Poor skin, hair coat, muscle tone and obesity problems can all be results of a poor diet or food choice. Feeding pets human foods often lead to problems with obesity and pancreatitis.
- Good Grooming: No one wants to be around a stinky pet. Bathing, toe nails clipped, brushing out the coat, parasite preventatives not only make the pet more pleasing to be around, it is much healthier for the pet! For skin and coat problems it is best to see the veterinarian as there may be underlying medical conditions. Good idea to keep pets on flea preventative year round.
- Safety: Keeping pets safe is something most pet owners take for granted. Take a moment to assess the toxins used in your house and yard. Be sure to follow all safety precautions when using these products. Keep all chemicals away from your pet. Be aware of the rodent poisons placed in your environment and the dead rodents. Make sure your
pets are not playing with deceased rats or mice. Be sure to check enclosures for pets—is the fencing secure? Check it to make sure your pet cannot get caught in fencing and choke or be stuck out in the weather when you are away.